
My time in Dalian and Chinese Super League comes to an END. I would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to everyone i met and made friendships along the way! UNFORGETTABLE experience and I’m blessed to have been treated in the best way by everyone!!!Im forever grateful to all Dalian fans and to The great country of China 🇨🇳I hope I left something good at least I tried my very best !!! Once again THANK YOU and all the success O meu tempo na China e no Dalian chega ao fim. Um muito obrigado a todos!!! Estou muito grato a todos os adeptos do Dalian e ao grande país que é a China 🇨🇳!!!Experiencia fantástica!!! Espero ter deixado algo de bom,dei o meu melhor para isso!!! MUITO OBRIGADO e todo o sucesso

JOSE FONTEさん(@f6nte)がシェアした投稿 -





